In a disturbing incident that came to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, a Dalit man, who was sleeping after lunch, was allegedly urinated upon by a man named Sanjay Maurya while he was sleeping after lunch. The accused reportedly urinated on the victim’s face to wake him up, sparking outrage and prompting a police investigation.

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“How this could be possible. Some EVMs are 90% charged some are dead,” he said.

Alleging that EVMs were compromised, she said, “I will…

— काश/if Kakvi (@KashifKakvi) June 4, 2024

According to reports, the victim, identified as Rajkumar Rawat, was taking an afternoon nap after his lunch break, exhausted from his work. Maurya spotted him and urinated on his face to wake him up.

The video of the incident surfaced on social media platforms. Rawat’s family subsequently approached the police and filed a complaint. In response, the police said they took note of the video and that the accused would be arrested soon.