Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka has appealed to Union Minister G Kishan Reddy for support in securing financial allocations and permissions for vital development projects in Telangana. He requested Kishan Reddy’s assistance in securing the allocation of funds and permissions from the Centre for these projects, which are cumulatively worth Rs 1.63 lakh crore.
On the sidelines of the third National Mining Ministers’ meeting held in Konark on Monday, the Deputy Chief Minister submitted a representation to the Union Minister outlining the financial requirements and approvals needed for several major initiatives in the State. He soughth funds and permissions for the critical importance of projects including the Rs 34,367 crore Regional Ring Road (RRR), Hyderabad Metro Rail Phase-II costing Rs 24,269 crore, and the Rs 14,100 crore Musi Riverfront Development.