A man was arrested in Hyderabad’s Old City for abetting suicide of his wife. Asif Nagar police have apprehended Sk Rasool, a 25-year-old carpenter, for allegedly instigating the suicide of his second wife, Arshiya Begum, who was aged 23 years.

Initially registered as a suspicious death, the case was later reclassified as abetment when investigators uncovered evidence pointing to Rasool’s role in prompting Arshiya to take her own life. Disturbingly, a video capturing the incident was discovered on the accused’s cellphone.

The unfortunate incident transpired on the night of December 11, as a heated argument took place between the couple. The disagreement arose when Arshiya requested Rasool to purchase Biryani, while he insisted that she prepare food at home.

The situation escalated, leading to Arshiya expressing her intent to commit suicide and subsequently tying a noose. Rasool, recording the incident on video, callously told her that he would go back to live with his first wife, Asif Nagar police said.