At the trailer launch event for her film “Emergency,” actor-turned-politician Kangana Ranaut addressed the challenges she faced while making the film, including being boycotted by the film industry. She expressed gratitude towards her cast and crew for standing by her despite the obstacles.

While speaking to the media, Kangana said, “I have faced many obstacles while making this film, which is common with every film. Every film faces a lot of obstacles and then many people come into your life, like angels and they see you through. I want to thank my cast. Everybody knows I have been boycotted by the film industry. It’s not easy to stand with me, it’s not easy to be part of my film, and it’s definitely not easy to praise me. But they have done all of it.”

Kangana revealed that her team advised her not to speak to the media, but she chose to do so openly. She claimed that some individuals in the industry try to sabotage films and ruin careers, and that her team was concerned about negative publicity.