Manchu Vishnu, elder son of veteran actor Mohan Babu, on Wednesday evening met Rachakonda Commissioner of Police, G Sudheer Babu and explained to him about the on-going issues in their family.

The Rachakonda CP had issued a notice to Mohan Babu, his son’s Manchu Manoj and Manchu Vishnu asking them to appear before him and furnish a bond of Rs. 1 lakh as a surety to maintain peace.

During the day, Manchu Manoj went to the Rachakonda CP office and submitted a bond of Rs. 1 lakh and assured the police official that he would abide by the law.

Manchu Vishnu later met Sudheer Babu and explained to him about the developments in the High Court in regard to the notices issued to him and his father Mohan Babu.