In a heartfelt conversation with fellow contestants Neil Bhatt, Aishwarya Sharma, and Rinku Dhawan, Munawar spoke about his mother’s death and their family situations. When questioned by Rinku about the circumstances leading to his mother’s tragic decision, Munawar disclosed that it was a result of several factors, primarily an “unhappy married life and being overburdened with debt.”
Unhappy married life was there, plus karza uss waqt. Dad pe bahut karza tha. Meri mom pe bhi karza tha. It was like humiliating wo time pe,” said Munawar Faruqui.
The 31-year-old also said that the debt on the family was so much that he was forced to leave school and go to work instead. Munawar added that although the loan was just three and a half thousand rupees, it felt like a huge amount to pay at that time.