A businessman has been allegedly duped of over Rs 9 crore by cyber thugs here, police said on Saturday. According to the police, the fraud took place over a period of one month after Rajat Bothra, resident of sector 40, got added to a WhatsApp group about stock market trading on May 1.

An FIR was lodged at the Cyber Crime police station in sector 36 on Friday and Rs 1.62 crore transacted funds have been frozen in the businessman’s account, they said, adding further investigations are underway.

“Bothra informed police that he was added to the WhatsApp group on May 1. The group had information about profit from share market trading and since then he started small amounts of investments. By May 27, he had invested Rs 9.09 crore in share trading. However, after this, his (trading) account was closed,” Assistant Commissioner of Police (Cyber Crime police station) Vivek Ranjan Rai said.