Revealing that the state is running short on revenue and is in dire need to funds, Telangana chief minister Revanth Reddy on Friday, December 4, said his government has been getting Rs 18,500 crore revenue every month instead of the required Rs 30,000 crore. He added that the generated revenue is not enough to meet the requirements.
The Telangana chief minister said that the least Rs 22500 crores are need for “minimum needs” and that the state Government is earning Rs 4000 crore lesser than the minimum requirement of money. “The entire administrative system has been corrupted for the last 10 years. My government tried to restore the administrative system soon after coming to power,” he claimed, in reference to the previous Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government led by K Chandrasekhar Rao (KCR).