Kickstarting campaign for upcoming assembly polls in Haryana, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo and Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal’s wife Sunita Kejriwal would launch “Arvind Kejriwal’s first guarantee’’ for the people of state at Panchkula near here on Saturday.

Stating that Punjab chief minister Bhagwant Mann and other senior leaders including Sanjay Singh and Sandeep Pathak would also be present on the occasion, Haryana party president Sushil Gupta said that Sunita Kejriwal would give party’s first guarantee to the state people at the said programme scheduled to be held around 1 pm in Panchkula.

Briefing newspersons further about the event, Gupta further said that AAP had already announced to fight all the 90 seats of Haryana without any alliance.